Monday, December 8, 2014



Wow!!... (or for TJ... FAAAA!)!  its been one crazy week here, that's for sure!

Lets just start by saying that this last week was cambios (changes), so naturally everyone is a little anxious because everything is going to change, like the dynamics of your zone and such. Hermana Curi and I were pretty chill because we figured nothing would happen because I've still got to finish my training, Right?!... WRONG!... I was the only one who recieved a cambia!  So, I went back home, packed up my stuff and left first thing the next morning...

So, I didn't have much time to say goodbye, but I was able to see Hermano Fransisco.  

And of course I had to see my family!  I love them!  They were the hardest to leave.  Before I left, Maria (the Mom of my two girls, Antonella y Jacquelin) began to cry,  and when I hugged her, we were both just weeping... I couldn't help it - They are so special!!

I am now in the area of Mariano, its a lot closer to Asuncion and its waaayyyyyy different than Isla Bogado... Mariano is a city...  a total city with neighborhoods and everything - And our house is WAY chuci!  Its actually like a small house, its so cute - I love it!  My new comp is awesome too!  Her name is Hermana Valenzuela.  She is from St. George, Utah - and her Dad's family is from Mexico, she actually lived there for a while so she speaks Spanish really well!  She has a year in the mission and we are all ready having a great time together (We went bowling! So fun!)! 

I have to admit, I'm a little stressed at times... just because I need to get to know a whole new area that's WAY bigger than my first, and I have to start all of my relationships over again.  And yeah, it was hard to leave the beautiful people I totally love in Isla Bogado, but you know, it made me consider the purpose of the mission.  We are here to help other people find this life changing gift that The Lord has given us... to help all of God's children remember that which they already knew (they have just forgotten it for a while).  In Isla Bogado, I got to witness that change that gift brings... I got to see the lives of people change SO MUCH because of the message of Jesus Christ.  And that's whats its all about.  I have met the most beautiful people and I feel so extremely blessed.  I am so extremely blessed to have had the time to work with Hermana Curi!  She has taught me so much and its so cool getting to apply what I have learned in a new area with new people and get to know more and more of the beautiful people here in Paraguay!

I hope everyone is doing well at home!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT FER!  And a shout out to Tanner and Natalie, just wanted to say I'm really proud of you two!!

Take advantage of this Christmas season to focus on Christ and accept the gift that He is!!  And that He has to offer!!  Remember that it's Christ-Mas... which basically means MORE CHRIST! :)

I love every single one of you!  Keep on keeping on... Keep on praying, keep on reading your scriptures and keep on going to church... :)  It's the little things that make all the difference!!

Hermana Fardos

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