Saturday, February 13, 2016

She's Coming Home!!

It's been 18 months since I've been able to hug on this girl!! Lauren's plans to extend her stay in Paraguay have been side-lined by complications from dengue and a high school spinal injury. Ed's on his way to Paraguay right now to pick up our sweet Missionary and bring her home!! They will be flying into Sacramento on Monday, Feb 8th, at 4:58 PM!! Join us as we welcome Lauren home!! I can't wait to get another one of these!!

HE'S GOT HER!!  She's doing great!!  In great spirits!!  The travel day will be tough, but getting Lauren home will be the best medicine!!  Monday can't get here soon enough!!

She's home!! Best hug EVER!!

Operation Frosting!!

No update this week, but received a sweet reply to a text from our nephew reminding us of a special experience before Lauren departed for Paraguay... 

It was a moment of doubt that she shared with her father, who immediately received a distinct impression - an image of Lauren surrounded by sweet and smiling children in Paraguay.💘 Ed shared the impression and Lauren set off to serve... When Ed reminded her of this experience in his email this week, Lauren responded...

"If I could wear a name tag forever, I would!!  My very first day in the CCM, I repented for even having doubted for a moment... This has been and will forever be my best and favorite choice I have ever made!!". 

Perhaps these are some of those faces her father saw, because they are, without question, some of Lauren's best and favorite treasures of the last 18 months!!